Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Today the world is facing a great problem widely used as a term of Extreme religion.This is the term which is defined and measured when a human being does some nontolerable activities on the name of... religious faith. Extreme religion is where a religious concept and belief is taken and intensified using drastic and unreasonable measures, to enforce a particular belief whilst keeping the basis for faith.I am not blaiming any particular religion or community to produce extremities in front of the society on the basis of its theory and concept.The situations and running time is the main culprit which is being utilised by some group of people for their personal benefit. Creating a strict and sever religion which goes far beyond what is reasonable, moderate and normal. Extreme religion is very dangerous because followers do not comprehend societies normality as they believe and have tremendous faith in what is believed to be a wonderful religion, as they genuinely believe they are doing the work of God and creating a better world to live in.As a result what is happening The world is seeing too many accidents (in reality murders) being executed by these people. Not understanding the extremities to what is happening, unaware of the dangers inflicted upon others using such irrational behaviour and belief.Think back to your childhood. When you were a kid did you ever try to convince somebody you were really telling the truth? Did you ever say, "I swear to God?" how abut th...is one, "I swear on a stack of a particular holy book either Gita Kuran or Bible," you said it, sure you did. how about this one, "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye," I said that a few times.we as a human being we hear the voice and directions from our parents that we have to follow this particular thory or we have to obey that particular guru or master but at the same time te second thing arises dont be in touch of that person he is from different caste or he is from different religion.Does A religious theory ever say hate a particular people from a particular caste or from a particular religion. promising things and wanting people to believe we were really telling the truth sometimes demanded that we swear because they were not used to us telling the truth. And all of that kind of swearing and giving oaths is really a device of man based upon his basic dishonesty. We invent those oaths and even in some cases curses imposed upon ourselves before God if we lie because basically we have learned that man can't be trusted to keep his word. Sometimes it's as simple as those silly childlike oaths, or sometimes it's as complx as things like swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God, which we're required to say in a court of law. Religions today no longer serve the purpose for which they came into existence. The very basic theme of each relgion was to teach, how to love each other and bring us closer to ourselves and to God. Today the opposite is happening, Religions are not uniting but dividing us.The world is seeing so many incidents ,who is culprit of this you me or entire society,the system or the theology the philosophy or the personal thinking??? Forget the differences from religion to religion, each now has so many divisions. The biggst problem Religions are bringing in is Fundamentalism and in-tolerance, giving birth to Fanatics, who are ready to destroy our freedom,As i have said it is giving the birth to extreme religion whose effect is well known in all over the world, just in the name of religion.Love is not something which can be given by force, but Religions as they stand today are given by force, by parents to children. Anything given by force can never have fruitful results. Love is realized from within, with loving actions, loving emotions and loving feelings, and the results are always fruitful. On the other hand, Religions given by force, can turn us into what we are not, and take us miles away from God and Humanity.It is about time, to rectify our vision, rectify our way of life, and mould them to what the various religions originally desired. Humanity is the religion which all religions preach, so why not follow it as such.i am not blaiming the people who believe in particular religion but i would like to say dont believe blindly try to study the theory and cancept through which it is built Gita or Kuran has not been made to keep it in front of you to wprship daily but it is built to study ,it is built to think about the statements written in it and follow it in your life style.every religion is supporter of non-violence then why people kill each other on the name of religion .this is the reason it is notworthy to state"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity; when many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion."

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